Saturday, April 28, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Tuning ZAZ
when you look. tuning Zaporozets. - One wonders what kind of candy can make the people masters of the ' bricks ' of the domestic auto industry. Photo of tuning ZAZ. demonstrate the real work of art made by children who have a direct hand and grow out of the place ))) And even bourgeois '. tuning car studio. ' There is much to learn from us) )).
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Cisco will make racetrack in Misano in the ' Circuit of the future '
Throughout the autodrome in the Italian city of Misano will be installed wireless networking, security, unified communications and Cisco ®. This project is worth one million euros includes upgrading the route to return back World Championship Racing Moto GP. New multimedia features will better enable fans and increase the profit of the organizers. Misano will be one of the first European race tracks with the wireless access point in any of the sports facilities in the area of four square kilometers.
To ensure safety in Misano will be used by Cisco Unified Communications and Wireless Network Wireless Mesh. These solutions meet all communication requirements of the international racing competitions. All visitors will get wireless access to live video streaming of high quality. In addition, the wireless infrastructure will be in real time to check the tickets ( the system delivered by Ticket One). Unified IP-Phones Cisco, connected to the same network will provide voice and video for the track staff and journalists. Management staff will have access to the functions of video telephony and will using wireless IP-phones to manage security, and communicate with emergency response services, regardless of their location. Members of the media, drivers and members of corporate events will be the guest access to the Internet over wired channels and channels WiFi.
That's what said in this regard, Stefano Venturi (Stefano Venturi), vice president of Cisco, General Manager of the company in Italy: ' The leaders of Misano track is completely separate strategy Cisco, aimed at transforming the network into a platform that is not only a radically changing the way we work, but . The new network will provide employees and guests of the Misano a range of new services. For example, streaming video is transmitted over the wireless network that will allow fans to get information about the races in real time via PDAs and Smartphones. At the same time donors will be able to pass on the screens of user devices targeted advertising. In addition, we provide a variety of interactive services to high-ranking guests and participants of Corporate Events. The introduction of services, taking into account the user's location, will help managers to track the movement of vehicles and support staff. The new network will be able to operate modern electronic payment system that will improve service quality and security of guests '.
Source:. Nag. ru.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
2.2250738585072012e- 308
2. 2250738585072012e - 308.
At this parser including a double- looped numbers in Java. For example the line ...
double d = 2. 2250738585072012e -308;.
... They can also break the already running applications ( if they read Doubles ). Interesting commentators of the original article (see. below) is outraged at the Google - dock, writing a number in a table cell.
Java crashes on 2. 2250738585072012e -308 ( Habr ).
source:. http://habrahabr. ru/blogs/java/112948.
Constantine Praysser (. Konstantin Preisser. ) Recently discovered something very interesting: Java - the compiler and the runtime - enters an infinite loop when converting decimal.
2. 2250738585072012e - 308.
in double. The idea is that the number should be converted to. 0x1p- 1022.
That is,. Double. MIN_VALUE.
However, Java hangs on. 0x0. fffffffffffffp- 1022.
, The largest. denormalized number. for double.
An infinite loop at runtime.
class RuntimeHang {.
public static void main (String [] args) {.
System. out. println ('Test:');.
double d = Double. parseDouble ('2. 2250738585072012e -308 ');.
System. out. println ('Value:' d);.
An infinite loop at compile time.
(. If you want to try it in Eclipse, be sure to save everything first, and then the shadow of his compilation and knew it did not have time to. - a comment. Trans. ).
class CompilationHang {.
public static void main (String [] args) {.
double d = 2. 2250738585072012e -308;.
System. out. println ('Value:' d);.
Under the cut 's arguments about the causes of this phenomenon.
What's the matter?.
Constantine found that at least in the runtime problem lies in the ... FloatingDecimal. java. He writes:.
If you comment out this part, the runtime is no longer hang as.Double. parseDouble (String s).
That causes.sun. misc. FloatingDecimal. readJavaFormatString (s). doubleValue ().
- Code clean java, no native. But there used artifmetika floating point numbers, so that it can be configured kompilyarota, which compiled the JRE and javac.
Without the correction cycle out those bits (big endian):.00000000 00001111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111.
That is, the number is converted into the largest denormalized floating-point number, because the exponent is zero. Without the correction cycle the same thing happens with.2. 2250738585072013e - 308.
But if the cycle is uncommented, then convert correctly:.00000000 00010000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Quiz: 'Your Dutch alter ego'
Take the test and find out your alter ego Dutch. |
Monday, April 16, 2012
As you probably guessed, the target audience of the project are the same as we. The main signs of potential participants in the Web:.
Is a professional in any field. Works either independently or self-employed.
Chances are no start-up capital ( not required ).
Aware that the work in the current format futile.
Motivated to establish their own business or to receive a share of business, but has a standard cognitive dissonance (no team, ideas, money, experience, knowledge, self-confidence ). A set of ...
Has access to the Internet, knows how to use information technology.
Located in a prelaunch state, when all else is still, but changes are needed.
What are the basic needs of the participants and their interests? . This is the ideal dream:. YOU DO WHAT can and become the owner of BUSINESS.
But so is our main suggestion. We invite you to join if that is what you want. We can convert your skills in running a business that will generate income. No matter who you are - a designer, programmer, financier. According to one anecdote, ... In implementing our current project, we realized that we allow him to make absolutely no money is a team. Someone found a legal address, someone made a design, someone found a driver, someone makes the site. And we get what we want: running a business that will generate cash flow, which can invest in other ideas. So that you can get from this?.
Team to implement their ideas.
Share of the business in return for your professionalism. Share in several businesses, if you want.
Experience in well-managed start-ups that can help in the future to implement other projects.
This is a joint resource. Resources also are different. In business, you can convert the property, money, land, anything. But can the human experience. Just it should be enough. We do not mind sharing either in cash or share experiences. The only question is, are you willing to invest what you have.
Later I will explain in detail how we see the work of the project.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
The formula of a site in Kaliningrad, a seminar by 1C-Bitrix
Quite frankly, was not going to go. persuaded colleagues. He went. Thrown 4:00 Life. It's not that bad, but the seminar is aimed at the business segment is very entry-level. Accordingly, the low level of the speakers, the reports are full of weaknesses is not even the basic definitions and phrases like ' you must have a good interface ' or ' necessary to analyze the traffic and decide '. Shit! . But none of it did not say anything.
But all spoke perfect Sergey Ryzhikov, CEO of Bitrix. For the first time in a long time, I realized that the market is far behind the capabilities of the platform. I remain in its position that the user need not classic platform, and the product, coats, bespoke. And in some ways I was right. But Bitrix did bounce, which will cause, may not tomorrow, but soon enough punch in the stomach around the market building sites in Russia. Bitrix unobtrusive in his manner and a little imposing stamp replicable solutions that can meet 95% of the market. They are skeletal, rigid and strictly understood, there will not be able to take a step left or step to the right, but who is now inquired whether he liked 1C? .
In this respect, the analogy is good with clothes. Clothing given size - a relatively new invention of mankind. Many thousands of years, tailors made clothes to order, even for the poorest. But then came the factory where the clothing was made immediately, and all different sizes, the market fell to a minimum of tailors, billions of people have never been in the studio for sewing clothes. Around the same layout of sites awaiting development. End of an Era.
And I came for the sake of the report Yandex. That was fun though, but exactly the same useless. Profanation of the craft in order to increase profits in the market and direct. Go to the online business, make Bitrix site and advertise it in the market and direct. However, businessmen listened with interest. I read a book from the phone, looking at the slides from time to time. I've read so far, has not yet taken the floor to questions young hairy man.
- Here you are told that the Yandex word ' yarn ' in Kaliningrad are looking for more than 850 times a month and you can open a store in this niche. I was already on fire and decided to open an online store yarn in Kaliningrad. But vordstatom must also be able to use. I've checked out what is really looking for related to the purchase of yarn not more than 15-30 times. It's not even a man, and requests - here the young man took a short break. - Tell me, why did you deceive us?.
The audience slammed into laughter, and the speaker very confused and nothing sensible could not figure out, was something to talk about pent-up demand and growing interest. But the battle was lost by outright.
Indeed, Yandex, why did you deceive us?.
In the end, so you can assess the level of speaker Yandex, exclusive video. I liked it. The guy really lights.
Output every day with the news of the video library collection of Star Trek!
From now on you are available for viewing the following films:.
... Lost in Translation. ... They embark together on a journey through the Japanese capital, getting into the funny stories, encountering unexpected twists and turns, getting acquainted with the locals.
... My best lover. ... The therapist convinces Rafi, that now she just need to have fun and try to enjoy life. But everything changes when Lisa discovers that love with Rafi turns her own son.
... wonderful valley. ... It is surprising, but it is, at first glance, the most common animal that will connect three loving couples. But before they are waiting for the most incredible test....
... City Island. ... And when one of the secrets revealed, the lives of all members of the family changed dramatically... Only here in what direction?.
A touching and witty comedy about the secrets of the past, entangled in lies the present. In this life, nobody is perfect, at least, of those whom you love.
... Cargo 200. ... the USSR. Besprosvetnyy1984 year. Decline of the Soviet era. province. After a night disco lost daughter of a district committee. In the village Kalyaeva in the bath are dead. Flies the plane from Afghanistan, he has on board - ... All these events are related to a maniac, which is likely to never find.
... revolver. ... One night, Jake, Billy and their other brother Joe are invited to a private game, where Jake is expected to play Dorothy Macha - crime boss and local casino owner. But Jake has no fear: all the benefits that may be, and what's more insulting and loser. Enraged and hungry for revenge Dorothy ...
... Lost. ... In it, they should play the chilling stories from the life of a mysterious noblewoman by the name ...
Suddenly, one by one, teenagers begin to die, and kill them in the same subtle way as their characters from the game.
We wish you pleasant viewing!.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Tab C, A, G, E and D for Beginners
Today I want to return to one of those blogs, namely, learning to play the guitar from scratch. What you need to do this? . guitar. ,. combo. ,. teacher. and.
In general, what usually begin training teachers of the guitar?.
Rank: not calculated.
Here you can leave your comments. prepared. wordpress plugin to subscribe. ru.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
Guardians or how to make art house to Hollywood scale
The film with Snyder on comics Moore has turned out so layered that it will see many until after the fifth or sixth time. If we compare it with something, probably from the Lynch Dune. I'm surprised that the film in the United States gathered for a weekend 55mln. ( Dune at the box office at the time failed ) - so that the budget will probably discourage the film, but to repeat the success of the Dark Knight he could not. Although the parallels with the latter you can find plenty of.
A little bit about the story. Superheroes in the Guardians - a gadget - heroes, the guys pumped up owning the art of street fighting and dressed in ridiculous costumes. To be more clear - the best known of this breed prestavitel - Batman. But savers have gone further. The point where Batman came only in the last series ( after all these tasty fights with spreading of the bad guys left and right ), for the Guardian - the place of their life. The main enemy of the Guardians - they. They are ordinary people who can not cope with the load taken on the responsibility, and slowly blow off steam on ordinary people. Comedian shooting demonstration adolescent Rorschach crumbles into the cabbage criminals, even when it does not make sense. It is not surprising that some of retired superheroes, having lived his days as ordinary people.
That is against this background and plot unwinds, which began with the murder of the Comedian, and the loss of 15m konchivashayasya. earthlings. The end, however is not legitimate. I would say that is unexpected for the genre. So fans of explosive ending will be great fun if you end up doterpyat.
Much of the film - it is the dialogues and monologues. Long carts on the meaning of life, flashbacks. This part of the movie just have to taste. It was only towards the end you understand why it was necessary. This is about how teens talk, while somewhere nearby goes crazy hokeist, who is about to chop them into pieces.
The lower part - the special effects and fights. Dr. Manhattan - one big special effect. The hero is drawn with the help of Motion kapchur and basically looks like a good idea. But I am neither he nor other effects not impressed and not broken. Nothing new, I did not see a performance of what is - at chetverochku. Fighting - juicy and natural, this is not Inhabited Island. There is embedded into each blow all the love. And the naturalness of fractures, slow at the moment only when you need to experience the charm of the strike, no theatrics (a typical example of a director zaigrannosti Fight scenes when Otmakhov hand before hitting the opponent makes a second ). But this is not a small Chinese. In the film, fights are utilitarian in nature, and do not show the superiority of the enemy. We must pass to someone in a rebel prison, and two render poltyurmy. They just need to go and they are.
Let's go back to the layers. They must be removed carefully as cabbage leaves.
Layer One - fantasy. Many will not go beyond the costumes and attributes of the characters. And so the film may seem boring to them. Suits do not affect the splendor and gadgets. Probably the most exclusive gadget - Rorschach mask with floating spots, which he calls a person. Manhattan is perceived more as a phenomenon of nature, incredible Fortelle Ozimandisa you will only see the very end. Fantasy in the film - only to attempt to explain the surroundings very different things.
The layer of the second - thrash. If you watched Sin City, you will find many similarities. The mud in the streets and in the souls, death and blood, cruelty and betrayal. Some scenes are generally more suited for a horror movie: dogs, torturing children's foot, and almost immediately cutting saber meat maniac head, cutting off the hands of circular saw. All this makes us close our eyes. Mostly just unpleasant to watch. Against this background, the way people blow up Manhattan - puhhhh and lots of blood and flesh in different directions, looks like a carnival fun.
The layer of the third - an appeal to biblical subjects. Almost the entire movie will haunt you the feeling that something is wrong. Only towards the end will understand - that. The entire film - a great retelling of the apocalypse. Humanity is rotten and needs to be saved.
The layer of the fourth - the moral ethics. What is the price of salvation? . One after surgery, the second preferred drug - swarm at the bottom of human passions, gradually removing dying cells.
The film, once again, not all. More precisely it is for the few. Therefore, most of it will cause, or rejection, or mixed impressions. This is not a traditional razvlekushka with superheroes. This is an attempt to tell you in person, that you guys went too far in their desire to control nature, she will live without you. And here you are without it - hardly. This movie is about the depravity of the people. A look in the mirror who likes a little.
Private web-master threw a link to. soundtrack album. the film.
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Reputation - from construction to destruction of one small step
Dating do roughly the same thing, but dating service - a special case of a personal relationship of individual subjects, and reputation can do without the personal relationships. That's what never understood - is partying in the sauna and karaoke business dinners.
My word has given me the opportunity to make trade debts in the aggregate equal to three month my income - I have not been able to pay and I took the products under the floor in order to sell it to the client faster than my competitors might. Supplier trust me. Because I had a word.
Likewise, I had a word for all of your salary debts, and their disorderly during my growth was much. Smaller, but still. He promised, paid, parted amicably.
Reputation - something thin, like a napkin. Dunesh, spit, do not you take and all that is not the same type and color. And you can not recover, only to start again. And again, is not always.
But today we'll talk about something else. How to destroy the reputation of. Why? . To place in the market did not hold. At the same time consider the options for countering.
All the negative feature is that it is very easy to use - people are generally very loyal to negative reviews. After all, reputation is the essence of the set of reviews, the views of individuals. And easier for people to believe bad things to perebdet than nedobdet. Or kopensirovat thus its own inferiority complex, throw the idol from the pedestal to elevate himself. Although you do not really risen, and the other fell, but the look is always alterego Merit categories relative.
1) The negative reviews on blogs, forums and other social networks.
Recently, it is particularly widespread in the LJ - A challenge shall be made, everyone starts to play along, then it turns out that the reality is not quite true, but the train has already left, and the residue was. Indeed, the recall in the primary does not necessarily speak the truth - just to say. Blogs and forums have the primacy of magic, especially if the speakers fairly active and popular people in their communities. Pour a bucket of dirt and quiet to relax - hamsters do the rest for you: Who can resist the temptation of a kick to the body lying.
How to respond:. in no case enter into the debate on the enemy. This will only weaken their position, allowing the attack itself is not the speaker, and his commentators and Sympathy. It is better to take a redoubt, and shoot out of it. If you have a blog - Voice position in it. If you have the ability to control the forum or separate section in it - they expand the discussion. Such a move will have more than one perspective on the situation, and two. And everyone will be able to choose their. Experience has shown that hamsters tend to think better of. T. e. If your point of view stronger, or more precisely, then sooner or later there will be a reverse process - the hamsters will have to attack your opponent on his own territory.
Summary:. War is always compromising on the level of who is more podomnet by a hamster. And try to resist the army of lemmings is useless: they still do not hear voices in the wilderness. Therefore creates confusion in the ranks of the lemmings, and then let the wave is the enemy. And let hamsters knead each other.
2) the influence of Conductors.
It is not necessary to operate their own hands. It's too straightforward and points to you as the enemy. Much more powerful move, it's sink or a competitor's hands, popular influential people in their communities. This job requires a lot of preparation, but the fruit itself justify multiple. It suffices for a long time to invest in their own words, letters, chat, text one or two phrases that cause the desired effect. ' It is not so good ', ' the guy passed much ', ' he's a great guy, but I would put at Vasya ', ' Last year, he does not show good results '. The main thing - not to make such remarks in public places. Over time, negative background pick up speed and it will be enough of a puncture to his former rival supporters drowned.
Of course, it seems that to do such work difficult and time. In fact, time is spent well, but eventually you get used to do things casually, not really something and giving value to his words. Approximately, how to turn off the light, passing by the toilet.
What's wrong with simply express their views fully and immediately? .
How to respond:. in no way. Such a network will only slander in the case of your failure. Try to avoid. In addition, we must constantly work exaggeration of their features in words. When a person is in a great mind, the spray of dirt and stick only to the shoes, not washed with the head. Even as an option, it is necessary to bind the control obligations of persons. What people say is not from the community - you do not care, but if you turn away one of the leaders, will be a serious blow to the reputation of. Therefore, a strong link between you progarantiruet that you will listen more than anyone else. The more links, the smaller the wire is a competitor.
3) Tales.
Tales - a powerful tool in skilled hands. The man who created an empire, but he tries to keep away from the community, it becomes vulnerable. In fact, one can say anything and it will be accepted for the truth, because there is simply no alternative, but the brain is such that he needed something to create an image. And if they say that the rapist and a pedophile, even in the absence of belief in it, the brain is still close to the way put a black mark - and suddenly the truth!.
How to respond:. when there was already too late to react. I would recommend a wire reveal the influence of the information currently. It will sound more truthful than even the most sincere confession of your mouth. It just so happened that prevails in the society the presumption of guilt. Therefore, dose vplesk information would be more correct course. But in fact, better to prevent: be made public, give enough information about yourself BEFORE someone would think to use the dark side of your life.
4) show.
The show may be different, but the most common variant: a powerful friend takes your service, in public it is trying to learn, and then signs in your ignorance and incompetence, and then begins to demand money back. Some do so at your own svolochizma nature, but often it is a planned action to show your inadequacy. Belief in the reality show came to us from the show ' behind glass ' and ' windows ' and is still going on in the House -2 and on dozens of TV shows more compact. How many times have caught the hand in the formulation, but the masses continue to believe. After all, the show unfolds before your eyes. You can even give it a try and see a similar effect. Often, many begin to think like symptoms and raised a second wave of hysteria, erasing your reputation to zero.
How to respond:. initially need to deny such clients. If we are in a heap, it must be possible to record losses and out of order. If the client continues to insist on the provision of services, it is necessary to fix the scope of care. Usually problems occur because of too free interpretation of possibilities: for example, the microscope can hammer and nails, and skill to look at the stars. But it's still a thing for another. Narrowing the spectrum, you force a comrade ordered, and his ridiculous excuses that supposedly still not what we would like, will look not so much as a complete failure of. And trying to push to be considered now as hysteria and not taken seriously.
There are other options to undermine the reputation. But all of them easy to oppose openness and responsiveness. Of course, occur wild cases of aggressive attack - in this case it is better to lie low, let the emotions cool down and the last word in reserve. If you do not burn with the desire to compete in wit, but want to achieve results, fix its position and join the discussion. Only answer directly the questions and the group, not individually. The more sober and colder you behave, the more chance that the opponent makes a mistake. This is your chance to strike back and defend his reputation.
But, of course, if the enemy had prepared, and in all respects you more and more calculating, then take care of you God. Destroy - not build.
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Sunday, April 1, 2012
This is me, another half-mad man, trying to create a blog, be cool blogger. It is still not quite understand why, and who am I doing this ( I feel a first-grader ). but I promise in the near future, this should look like. I would be very grateful for all the support and attention!.