Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Google 1

In March, Google announced that soon, in the search results will be key to ... And in the beginning of June, the button has officially become available for all. What is this button? . If you press the button 1, then all your friends and contacts from services Google will see that you like such and such a reference. That is, the buttons are the same as the essence of retweets twitter, or in Laikov Faceboook. But there is another feature. You do not just share a useful link, you will leave a recommendation for friends and for the future. And this is because, in the search results for each link is a button and there will be marked with your friends who have ever clicked on this button.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Releases Investor Day CEE in PDF (Rus, Eng)

Press releases published on this site, you can use the links.

Russian-language version:.

http://idcee. eu/files/2009-06-01_idcee_press_rus. pdf.

English. version:.

http://idcee. eu/files/2009-06-01_idcee_press_eng. pdf.

7 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Ask For Funding

Original article.

The first question of interest to people when they are planning to start-up - where to get the money?.

This is certainly a valid question, but even all the money in the world will not make your business successful if you hate what you do and not willing to work. I propose to consider some other more important matters than finance.

The best way to ensure the success of start-up - is to do what you love, as opposed to what will bring you considerable profit. Of course the money, and many other issues - are very important, so it is necessary to comply with the order of priorities. Here are the right questions in the right order, you should ask yourself before you start looking for investment.

  1. Do you understand what it means to be an entrepreneur? . The role of the founder of a startup - it's not a robot, but a way of life. It's the same difference as to be married or remain celibate. In fact, it 's more like a bachelor lifestyle, because the founders are usually neither of whom are independent, no one takes the decisions for them, they are no one to blame, have no one to follow, they rely on their vision.

  2. Are you passionate about your idea and your business prospects?. Business will get you no joy, if you can not build a team to monitor the business climate or to perform their daily duties. Dumb like to work in the service sector, while others prefer to work in industry or construction.

  3. Which business model is closest to you? . In every case has its special difficulties, and the payback period. Ask around about.

  4. Do you have experience and training in this business area?. Beware of the desire to start a business in an unfamiliar area, simply because it all seems easy and it promises big profits. In no real benefits of business secrets, of any area. You should not believe everything you read on the Internet. Expirentia est optima magistra.

  5. Are you confident and self-disciplined?. Starting a new business - it's hard work, which requires victims. You will act independently, to take all decisions and take full responsibility. Are you hard to move forward to reach your new venture success?.

  6. Do you have a viable plan?. If you have not painted a business plan, you probably do not have any idea how much money you really need, or even whether there is any chance for your ideas. I am convinced that the process of writing a business plan is more valuable than the plan itself, because it forces you to think through every detail, to check whether all converge to each other and correspond to each item you.

  7. How much money do you really need?. Based on your plan, calculate the most minimal bag needed to earn your plan and then reload the reserve another 50 %. Treat non-cash alternatives, such as shares rather than cash deals or barter services. Raising the money - it is very difficult, so most employers prefer butstrepping.

If you have completed all the items, then you can in good conscience ask where and how you can find an investment that you need ( if ever needed). Professionals will tell you that the order is: first friends and family, then the angels, and only after that venture capital. Each type of investment requires a lot of time and effort to attract.

The best way to get any of these types of investments are Networking, building your network of contacts (as opposed to tons of spam and cold calls to investors. Start with the local chamber of commerce, industry associations, or workshops for investors. Just part does not work - use your entrepreneurial spirit to build relationships that will lead you to a new level.

Translated for the blog.
dennydov. blogspot. com.
Eugenia Dudnik.

Permission is granted to copy this material, indicating a hyperlink to the source:. dennydov. blogspot. com.

Monday, May 14, 2012

iPad for FSB

Purchase Order tablets ... The problem is that in our country so far sold only ...

Following the President.

Yeltsin loved tennis, Putin - Judo technique Medvedev loves Apple. But Russian officials have always followed the preferences of President. Love Dmitry Medvedev to the ... ... - Russia's president said at a meeting, holding the iPad. - You know, then I used to, and I like it, very convenient ...
Life. Ru, 01. 08. 2010, ' Medvedev told why he iPad'. : Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who is known for his love of internet technologies and modern gadgets, first described how he prefers to use his iPad. The President shared that during the last summit of the ...
- There are some 5 - 10 minutes to think about sports. We have my assistant take the iPad and, being right in the courtroom, watching the World Cup. Has anyone ever could imagine that even five years ago? . He added that in principle the iPad was a great way to pass time on a boring meeting, apparently alluding to the recent meeting of the Council for National Projects, where he criticized ministers for a long incoherent reports. - By the Box. py.

At the time of the tablet from Apple to Russia has not officially been imported. Do not be imported and now. According to forecasts Vlas Petrov, director of the department of ...

Nevertheless, government agencies have already begun formal purchase these tablets. On Monday, August 2, FSB. competition will. (organizer of the auction - military unit 55056. So are named in correspondence with external organizations, purchasers of the FSB ) for the supply of ... In the procurement list - two graphics tablet from Wacom and two iPad. The starting price for the four devices - 200 thousand. rub. - Roughly equivalent to the retail price for a specified set of conditions of competition in gadget. ( Tablet PC Apple iPad 3G (64Gb) or equivalent - 2 pcs. Monitor, Wacom tablet 19 ... Monitor, Wacom tablet 17 ... ) Delivery time - up to August 28.

Instruction or a fine.

According to the company ... By the way, in a contract that offers the service concluded, provided a 12- month warranty on the product.

Lawyer of the Society of Consumer Protection reminded Dmitry Lesnyak ...

To call an authentic counterfeit goods produced in the factory where they make the technique Apple, can not explain Lesnyuk, so the criminal law is not applicable.

But the seller can be held administratively liable under Article. 14. 15 Administrative Code ( ... Such a certificate can be quite officially buy. If the store decides to save money, it can be fined up to 30 thousand. rub. If the seller is seen in the first violation, usually penalized official of the company amounting to three thousand. rub.

... - Often driven products for sale, and declared as intended for personal use or accessories. Then, the importer is liable under Chapter 16 of the Administrative Code ... According to the articles of this chapter, unreliable declaration of goods can lead to seizures.

Vedomosti, 02. 08. 2010, ' The officer iPad'. : The problem is that legally bring to Russia, a means of communication with encryption features (including the iPad 3G) only after it certifies the FSB and the appropriate release notification (notification), explains the manager - distributor. And iPad is not certified and had not received notification, according to Russian partners Apple. For the supplier of the FSB is not a problem, I'm sure the manager of the company - distributor. The FSB and Apple on Friday failed to get official comment. A Secret Service agent just suggested that it could take two iPad anyone of the leaders of the service for status. - By the Box. py ]. Possible sanctions are not afraid of entrepreneurs. In Russia today, dozens of online stores selling the tablet from Apple and the iPad with Russian instruction. ... - If there is demand, the law of the proposal can not be stopped ...

... Maybe better luck FSB - this investigative agencies to better opportunities.

Permanent address.

News from Skypecine. com.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Competition ' Holy Land Arzamas '

One of the most significant events of 2011. MUK CBS g. Arzamas became a city. Children's Art Competition ' Arzamas Holy Land '. Which had a library - branch № 8. Library- branch № 8 for several years working with the Foundation ' In Memory of metropolitan Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas Nicholas ', representatives of the Foundation participate in their activities, provide sponsorship.

The competition was dedicated to the memory of Bishop Nicholas, and was conducted with the blessing of the Archbishop of Nizhniy Novgorod and Arzamas Georgy. His memory was initiated by the Foundation of Metropolitan Nikolai of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas in conjunction with the Diocese of Nizhny Novgorod, the partners - Arzamas City Council, Department of Education and the Department of Culture,. Arzamas. The contest was held in three categories:.

  • ...

  • ...

  • ...

more ».

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Three main problems of electronic documents in Russia

It turns out that in general in this matter our opinions with the staff of the Russian government are the same:. http://www. pcweek. ru/ecm/blog/ecm/1137. php.

Now otprravlyayus on DOCFLOW, listen to what they say.
I'll try to write out.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The parade of planets and meteor shower

12-13 August shortly after sunset on the western horizon you can admire a real parade of planets at the head of the Moon. The last three months of the evening, many have noticed over the western horizon a bright star. This is not really a star and the planet Venus - the brightest object after the Moon Night Sky. Venus is now moving toward the sun, and soon it will end the evening visibility. But even before that happens, people are not indifferent to the starry sky will be able to see how the Venus meets with three other planets and the Moon.

Narrated by an amateur astronomer, author of ' Observations of the sky with binoculars and a telescope ' Edward Vazhorov:.

- The 12th, and best of all, of course, on August 13 will be seen a rare astronomical phenomenon - just after sunset, we can see the moon close to the four brightest planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn. It's easy to see Venus, and next to it can be seen with the naked eye, the other bright planets. In the binocular field of view fall into three planets: Venus, Mars and Saturn, and Mercury is the closest to the Sun. And in the August 13 close to the Moon. Then it will gradually withdraw from this area. But as a benchmark from 12 to 14 August, you can use the Moon.

Parade of the planets visible to the naked eye, but to find in the twilight sky, Mercury, need utmost attention and great vision. There is even a legend that Nicholas Copernicus in his life since has never failed to see it. August 12 The Moon and the planets Mercury, will greatly facilitate the search for. Additional brink of a rare astronomical phenomenon revealed by using binoculars. Edward continues Vazhorov:.

- Even in a small pair of binoculars can be seen in the presence of Saturn's rings and bright satellite Titan. Titan - a very interesting object, since there is found the atmosphere and even the lake. In binoculars, preferably with a greater multiplicity of, well, for example, a 15 -fold, you will see the phases of Venus. Now it phase 0.5, ie the visible half of Venus.

The moon during the parade of planets will be visible in the form of a thin crescent. And soon she did go down, so as not to interfere with the observations of the night. After all, the night of 12 on August 13 we are waiting for a spectacular meteor shower Perseids. It will be visible on the opposite side of the sky - in the east and south - in the second half of the night, says Edward Vazhorov:.

- In the second half of the night on Earth will see the most anticipated, perhaps, the phenomenon of the summer - a maximum of Perseid meteor shower. This year we have new moon on August 10, and Moon, unlike last year, will not interfere with observations. Meteor shower will be visible throughout the night, but the maximum activity is expected in the second half of this morning, beginning sometime from 3:30 to Moscow for a couple of hours before sunrise. It should expect up to 100 meteors per hour.

- Do you need some tools for observing meteors?.

- It is better to look to the naked eye, coming away from city lights. Typically, meteors are big enough, and even in sight of a meteor full of binoculars will not fit. Radiant - a place in heaven, from which the meteors fly out, there is close to the star Eta Persei, which is called the Worlds. But it's best not to look radiant, and at a distance of 40-50 degrees away from the radiant to see the most brilliant meteors.

- The meteors called falling stars. But what they represent in reality? .

- Of course, this is not the stars, comets are remnants of the dying. From time to time, the Earth crosses the orbit of the disintegrating comet and the dust condensation occurs with. Dust particles entering the Earth's atmosphere burn at about 100 kilometers and form in the sky for a short moment of bright glowing band. Perseids meteor shower associated with Comet Swift - Toutle. The orbital period of - 130 years. Now she has passed the sun and leaves the solar system. So, in principle, the meteor shower will gradually weaken.

- So, in the evening on August 12 you can watch the parade of planets. And in the early morning hours of that night - Perseid meteor shower. Between these two events will be a break of several hours. Edward, you are the author of the observations the sky with binoculars and telescopes. The book, incidentally, is laid out for free on the Internet. What advice do you look at the sky in mid- August night?.

- Through binoculars you can see a lot of. I would like to remind you that in August the Russians the most favorable climatic conditions in terms of days to observe the sky: the nights are warm, and they are already quite dark, the White Nights season ends. So what should come away from city lights, it's best to go for 30-40 miles, for example, to the cottage, bring a pair of binoculars, star charts, and if you have a laptop, you can install the software on it, a planetarium, for example, free .

First of all, it's best to walk along the Milky Way, because it is particularly well observed in August. Through binoculars you will see how rich stars, the Milky Way. You can see, for example, the star cloud in the constellation of the Shield, it is very rich in stars. Particularly interesting is the failure to look at the dark stars to the south of Deneb ( Alpha Cygni ). This is a dusty nebula that separates the constellation Cygnus into two parts, it is also called the Northern Coal Sack.

You can also go down below, if you are in the southern part of Russia and see the dust nebulae and open clusters in the constellation of Sagittarius and Scorpio. In the constellation of Sagittarius is the center of the galaxy - the same galaxy in which we live. In addition, clearly visible constellations ' Summer Triangle ': Lear, The Eagle and the Swan, as well as the constellation next to them: Dragon, Hercules, Serpent, Ophiuchus, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and all objects that are located.

It is, for example, pay attention to the globular cluster M13, located between the stars, this and zeta Herculis. This is one of the brightest globular clusters, that is, thickening of the many thousands of stars, which is clearly visible in binoculars. However, some stars in it are visible only in a small telescope or binoculars powerful enough. Objects a lot, I recommend getting some astronomical calendar or here to read my book and what objects can be seen in the summer. And walk on them with binoculars - you'll get an unforgettable experience.

Unfortunately, in recent times due to fires, not all regions of Russia have the opportunity to study the night sky. But the dependence on the weather has always been the lot of astronomers, the earth observer. Let's hope that by the end of the week the weather will allow us to see the pending bright astronomical event - a parade of planets and the Perseid meteor shower.

News from Skypecine. com.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Black -black blogger

Creating a false account - £ 10 000-15 000. By registered post on blogs - from $ 50 to several thousand dollars, the total budget for a campaign on social networking sites can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Black -black blogger.
Hope Kuprin.

More than a third of large companies in Russia last year, felt the impact of ... Especially popular, as demonstrated by the study, acquired ... Thus, the ...

Faced with the sneer, and individuals. The most high profile victim of the ... Well-known fighter for the rights of minority shareholders of the largest Russian companies dedicated to the unknown, first blog, which promises to tell us a lot of ... And now they are trying by all means unleash this antiblog.

Blogger - multitysyachnik Maxim Alexandrov («ma79») says he has heard from several friends of bloggers that appealed to them with an order to place a post with a link to the ...

According to him, such proposals come often enough, but personally, he refuses them. This is also written in a popular diary, blogger Andrew Malgin.

[Slon. ru, 19. 02. 2010, ' blogger - multitysyachnik ' ma79 ' Maxim Alexandrov: ' Proposals of this kind often come from very different sources ': Directly from the press service of such orders are almost never addressed, there are so many advertising agencies that deal with advertising in general and in . But on the them have already been treated to such a small advertising agencies as something that appealed to me.
The fact that the ... py ... Rather, the fact that even drew the attention of the press service of blogs and social networks. Three years ago, it drew attention to the most advanced, two years ago - many, but the last year has already considered the duty to cover their activities in social networking.

antisocial methods.

The classic mechanism of ... In this traditional scheme, for example, a $ 100,000 ... Information war began with a student blog, accusing the head of the university in the untidiness in financial matters. Media picked up the story, but his Kropacheva has several lzheakkauntov on Livejournal, where ' Nick Kropachev ' talked about his life.

As they say bloggers, while the majority of ... ... It is, indeed, looks very silly: often it seems to me that customers simply do not care, work or not, most importantly - money drank ...

Aerobatics in this case - to find the real dirt, which can present a beautiful and interesting to them independent LJ- users. A striking example - the story of the theatrical poster, ... ...
' Black ' Market.
The rapid growth of ... But the agency, in turn, learn not only the tools of ...

[Slon. ru, 19. 02. 2010, Director of Development Agencies Matik Artem Ovechkin: ' Underwent ' attack ', even Dmitry Medvedev ': Underwent the ... Moreover, there were published quite adequate thing, the essence was in the other. Account ru_medvedev « fouls ... In ... I do not think so pleased with Medvedev PR.

According to experts, ... That is, at last year's unfair competition on the Internet spent about $ 3 million. Orders for ...

Fees for services is still small: one message on the forum with a reference mark, company and individual's worth an average of 400 rubles, creating a false account - 10 000 - 15 000, registered post on blogs - from $ 50 to several thousand dollars. A blogger, who coordinates the campaign, as a rule, earns $ 10,000, and the entire agency action may be allocated several hundred thousand. Creating and maintaining a blog ...

Methods to counter the ... Even official statements until they see fit to do, not all, many people prefer to simply ignore the ... So the companies Kaleva and ... In the ... In April 2009, appeared Account Learn fuckbeeline, which organizers called for users to arrange the operator to ... ...

[eldarmurtazin, 05. 04. 2009, ' Beeline were ' wet ', I'm so dirty tricks do not like ': C interest in watching the start of this tumor, little realizing the size of the budget and degree of development of the road. So, Vasily paid the agency a certain amount of work by giving a ridiculous statement by the standards amount to 17 845 in. e. Why is this? . The agency acts as a pipe from which the money comes in small artists, read to other agencies, and occasionally to individuals. The second agency has received at the output of 220,000 rubles, it happened in early February. For that money? . poorly. What made a small agency? . bad. At the same time in return went to work with the agency a. on what we ought to throw firewood, and then no response is received wide. The aforesaid sum of firewood in the area was 20,000 at the. e.
Prior to the operator, this amount came from the 30 th. e. And the agency A, as is usually laid a half as a bonus, the role of the pipe is very heavy. The operator began to break down as expected to get something as a first prize. In a word began trading.
At this time in this community was all prepared for the massive influx of perturbed users, but it was necessary to push the stone from the mountain. At the same time to do this should have been beautiful, without mass communications anywhere and everywhere. No fee is somewhat difficult, but it expects to receive approximately April 15. Then the action under 30's can pass the number of ' mass '. If you will not even be real people, they draw. In general, the story is extremely dirty, in the style of the latest innovations. Journalists who are ' secret ' show this LJ and then scrambled to find out who attacked a statement of his opinion, frankly I do not envy. Now think about them, either on its own initiative, they did it, or whether they were asked to. Now you think now. The area where journalists have turned noteworthy, too, but chu molchok, and then giving away all the secrets of the secret ahead of time.
From the technical to take this cave. Pictures cleaned of any meta-information ( you are my cautious:), use a proxy server, and of themselves are encrypted figures.


' It's disgusting that... many high grades began to use blogs to solve their short-term goals '.
Template text in defense of the Interior, Major-General Vladislav Volyn, who asked to be placed on blogs for the money.

Almost every day, get a proposal to place the money in this or any other information in his blog. So far, never used.

But here at this time received a letter worthy of attention. I host for free:.

The Offer.

Hello, avmalgin, I would like to offer you a place in the blog. http://avmalgin. livejournal. com /. the following text, in order to improve the image of Major General Vladislav Alexandrovich Interior Volyn. If you agree, we need to negotiate price, terms of accommodation, as well as the order of payment. The text is a template that you need to change for themselves. The main thing that you have in the proposed version was a specific indication of what Vladislav Alexandrovich accused (2-3 indent pattern), since that is what will more clearly emphasize the false.

Regards, Max.
E-mail:. mkt-product @ yandex. ru.

Template text: ... Not spared, and leaders of the Ministry. Thus, in recent years a growing number of accusations against Major-General Vladislav Volyn, the chief inspector's Organizational Department of the Interior Ministry. Who benefits? . Whether it is envious, who want to move the general, or colleagues, who stood Volinsky throat and does not increase the mutual guarantee, or someone else.

In this case, directly evident that the charges against Gen. fabricated. For example, Volyn accused of involvement in the bribe of $ 850. $ 000 received by Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Zharkov, Interior Ministry employee OID. These accusations are without any foundation, except no sound evidence of the Zharkov, from which he subsequently refused to.

The charge of corporate raid of the company ... After repeated consideration of the case the court is adamant - 5.5 years, the owner of the company for fraud Uhabinu. Hints of raider case in Tatarstan and other cases - another lie. Rumors about the mistress, expensive gifts, a bohemian lifestyle - can not stand up to scrutiny. Those who saw the speech of General Volyn, or even slightly acquainted with him can say with certainty that the general family man, lives with his wife in an ordinary suburban house, who bought a mortgage, not shikuet and in no way different from the other members of the MUP.

I am writing this in order to make it clear - both from scratch you can fabricate a lot of speculation and rumors, and run the company against any person who is not advantageous system, or individuals. It's disgusting that in recent years, many senior ranks began to use blogs to solve their short-term goals. If you can not work honestly - Wali colleagues may get increased ...

Bloggers offer to work on improving the image of police.
Learn - ists - thousanders received commercial proposals.
Russian bloggers are asked to help strengthen the ... Unpretentious commercial proposals were popular, and users plushev unab0mber. The authors of the messages are ready to discuss the cost, timing and placement of the order to pay for good post.

Both users have placed in their text messages live journals. However, they caused a mixed reaction from bloggers.

So, plushev expresses strong indignation and publicly rejects the offer.

Learn - art unab0mber was less disinterested and calls the author of the message their prices.

In the comments other bloggers are opposed to ... According to them, have received similar letters to other users of the Living Magazines.


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News from Skypecine. com.