Purchase Order tablets ... The problem is that in our country so far sold only ...
Following the President.
Yeltsin loved tennis, Putin - Judo technique Medvedev loves Apple. But Russian officials have always followed the preferences of President. Love Dmitry Medvedev to the ... ... - Russia's president said at a meeting, holding the iPad. - You know, then I used to, and I like it, very convenient ...
Life. Ru, 01. 08. 2010, ' Medvedev told why he iPad'. : Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who is known for his love of internet technologies and modern gadgets, first described how he prefers to use his iPad. The President shared that during the last summit of the ...

- There are some 5 - 10 minutes to think about sports. We have my assistant take the iPad and, being right in the courtroom, watching the World Cup. Has anyone ever could imagine that even five years ago? . He added that in principle the iPad was a great way to pass time on a boring meeting, apparently alluding to the recent meeting of the Council for National Projects, where he criticized ministers for a long incoherent reports. - By the Box. py.
At the time of the tablet from Apple to Russia has not officially been imported. Do not be imported and now. According to forecasts Vlas Petrov, director of the department of ...
Nevertheless, government agencies have already begun formal purchase these tablets. On Monday, August 2, FSB. competition will. (organizer of the auction - military unit 55056. So are named in correspondence with external organizations, purchasers of the FSB ) for the supply of ... In the procurement list - two graphics tablet from Wacom and two iPad. The starting price for the four devices - 200 thousand. rub. - Roughly equivalent to the retail price for a specified set of conditions of competition in gadget. ( Tablet PC Apple iPad 3G (64Gb) or equivalent - 2 pcs. Monitor, Wacom tablet 19 ... Monitor, Wacom tablet 17 ... ) Delivery time - up to August 28.
Instruction or a fine.
According to the company ... By the way, in a contract that offers the service concluded, provided a 12- month warranty on the product.
Lawyer of the Society of Consumer Protection reminded Dmitry Lesnyak ...
To call an authentic counterfeit goods produced in the factory where they make the technique Apple, can not explain Lesnyuk, so the criminal law is not applicable.
But the seller can be held administratively liable under Article. 14. 15 Administrative Code ( ... Such a certificate can be quite officially buy. If the store decides to save money, it can be fined up to 30 thousand. rub. If the seller is seen in the first violation, usually penalized official of the company amounting to three thousand. rub.
... - Often driven products for sale, and declared as intended for personal use or accessories. Then, the importer is liable under Chapter 16 of the Administrative Code ... According to the articles of this chapter, unreliable declaration of goods can lead to seizures.
Vedomosti, 02. 08. 2010, ' The officer iPad'. : The problem is that legally bring to Russia, a means of communication with encryption features (including the iPad 3G) only after it certifies the FSB and the appropriate release notification (notification), explains the manager - distributor. And iPad is not certified and had not received notification, according to Russian partners Apple. For the supplier of the FSB is not a problem, I'm sure the manager of the company - distributor. The FSB and Apple on Friday failed to get official comment. A Secret Service agent just suggested that it could take two iPad anyone of the leaders of the service for status. - By the Box. py ]. Possible sanctions are not afraid of entrepreneurs. In Russia today, dozens of online stores selling the tablet from Apple and the iPad with Russian instruction. ... - If there is demand, the law of the proposal can not be stopped ...
... Maybe better luck FSB - this investigative agencies to better opportunities.
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