Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What is cooking so as not to poison?

The first thing I decided to find out, because these are products that I eat and the food is generally. As the most vital and daily consumed. I'll have to try to eliminate the possibility of my menu that is not cooked by me to avoid eating all sorts of rubbish.

Cooking for a long time, I chose oil as sunflower and soybean. Who knows the most healthy product? . I can not cook, I like the fried crust, there is nothing to do with it can not. I'll travitsya delicious! But it 's not every day.

Fat and all sorts of margarine, I do not buy. In addition, fat is always found in meat and fish in the. Even in the bird. So, to the consumption of natural fats from the food does not need to add extra. And then somewhere there will be delayed, and then try to take out a!.

Thus, vegetable oil, of course once used for frying. Oh, and salads with vegetable oil.